Hey again! I want you all to meet my new friend, Travolta! This little guy is a Zooby creation and the new love of my life! hehe He was a bit pricey at 1500L but definitely worth every penny. I though I would share with you some of our adventures and show you a couple more little fur balls that I've come across.

Here we are getting ready to take off on our mini vacation. Travolta decided to give me a little kiss for the camera. How cute!

First, we dropped by Kindly City and took a little hike to the great outdoors for some quiet fishin time. After we had enough of the mosquitoes, we decided to head to Busch Stadium to catch a Cards game. Surely I don't have to say who won, do I? :P

When we arrived home, our friend Reese was waiting to say hello. He also brought along his buddy, Mr. Gibbers. He stayed for awhile until Travolta decided to start throwing Poo. It was a messy situation. Sorry Reese!

After Reese took off, I got a call from my friend, Violet, who was chillin somewhere in Spain. Don't ask. Anyway, she invited us over and we busted out some maracas. We partied well into the night.

We finally made it home and had enough time to snuggle up in bed and read a few stories before drifting off to sleep.
Silly travel story aside, this chimp from Zooby's really is pretty cool. He is menu driven and includes 10 T-shirts, 9 styles of glasses, 3 different hat styles in a variety of colors, optional chain and diaper, lots of animations including eating and sleeping, and of course he throws poo as well as hearts, airplanes, bombs, and bottles. He also kisses you and plays peek a boo. It's super cute! Like I said before, he's a little pricey at 1500l, but the work that has gone into it makes it worth it for sure. The rat on Reese's shoulder is also from Zooby's and it was 450l.
Another quick pic to show you a pet I came across at the Puppeteer store. It's a little brown puppy that sits on your shoulder and does all kinds of cute things. He's normally 500L but right now he's in the group notices for free! There's a joining fee of 10L but that's a steal.

Welp, that's all for now. Till next time!